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Moving Back to Canada

Resources for Expatriate Canadians returning to Canada after living in the U.S. or further abroad

Professional Employee Relocations to Canada

Moving and settling employees and their families to Canada with care!

Moving Canadian employees and their families

Relocating Canada for the first time, or returning from an overseas assignment, can be challenging for employees and their families. These challenges include:

All these challenges, if not supported well, can lead to:

Professional support for employees and their families

Minimize entry and re-entry challenges and maximize your employees productivity with professional support services I offer.

For 20 years I have supported Canadians, new permanent residents moving to Canada, and professionals relocating to Canada. I have been overseas myself on professional assignments (twice!), and had a 25 year career teaching international business as a university professor. I "get" the international move context!

How I can help: I can manage relocations for employees and their families moving to, or returning to, Canada. Covering both logistics and human reactions to moving with a professional and caring approach, I will help ensure a smooth move, quick settling into life in Canada, and a confident and positive experience overall.

Support packages are flexible to meet the move dynamics of each situation, but include these core parts:

For more information

Paul KuruczPlease contact Paul Kurucz to explore relocation support needs for you or your employee(s).

Help your employees have a fast and productive move to Canada, or back to Canada!

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Commercial use: © 2003-2025 by Paul Kurucz.

Creative Commons License

Content from the Moving Back To Canada web site by Paul Kurucz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License for non-commercial, personal use.